Diamond Goby


Valenciennea puellaris

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Diamond Goby

The Diamond Goby is a sand sifting goby so it requires a small grain size sand substrate. They will build burrows in the sand and under rocks. The Diamond Goby is prone to jumping so a covered tank with no escape holes is a necessity.

Diamond Gobies are not usually aggressive with other tank mates but may become territorial with others of its own kind. It may be possible to keep two Diamond Gobies in a larger aquarium if added at the same time.

The Diamond Goby may not initially accept prepared foods so plenty of meaty options should be offered.

Care Level – Easy
Temperament –Peaceful
Diet – Carnivore
Coral Compatible – Yes
Invert Compatible – Yes
Water Conditions 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size 5″
Minimum Tank Size -40 gallons

Approximate Purchase Size: 2″ – 4″


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