Neon Tetra


Paracheirodon innesi

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Neon Tetra

The Neon Tetra is a schooling fish and does best in groups of 6 or more. It is one of the most popular freshwater tropical fish due to its iridescent blue and red coloration.
Neon Tetras should be kept with other non-aggressive tank mates of a similar size.

Neon Tetras will accept most small meaty foods such as daphnia, bloodworms and tubifex. They will also readily eat small pellet foods, and flake food.

Care Level – Easy
Temperament – Peaceful
Diet – Omnivore
Water Conditions: 68-78° F, pH 5.0-7.0
Max. Size: 2″
Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallons

Approximate Purchase Size: 1/2″ to 1″


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