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Why do Pufferfish Puff up?

Puffer fish will “puff up” as a defense mechanism if they are threatened. A shape that is more than double its original size, round and sometimes covered in spines is much more difficult to bite and isn’t very appetizing to a predator. However, just as people should stretch before exercising to avoid injuring themselves, puffers […]

Aiptasia-Eating Filefish – Acreichthys tomentosus –

The so-called aiptasia-eating filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) is an appropriately-named species with which every marine aquarist should be familiar. Why? Because this fish is one of the best when it comes to the never-ending battle against aiptasia, Not only does it love to eat aiptasia, but it is also generally considered reef compatible, and it’s far […]

Lybia tessellata – Pom Pom Crab

Pom pom crabs (Lybia tessellata) are an interesting and reef compatible addition to any aquarium, although, owing to their size, they make particularly good nano tank inhabitants. This crab, sometimes called a boxing crab, carries two small anemones-one in each claw-which it uses as both a defense mechanism and a means of capturing food. These […]

Turbo & Astraea Snails

Husbandry Tips for Some of the Best Algae-Grazing Snails for Your Clean-Up Crew Amongst the gastropods (Class Gastropoda or snails), most marine aquarists have at least heard of the turbo snails from the Family Turbinidae. Turbo snails, along with their relatives, the Astraea snails, are fantastic grazers and can be long-lived aquarium animals if provided […]

Tridacna maxima – The Giant Clam

Maxima clams hold a certain mystique in the hobby. Insanely beautiful with iridescent colors that seem to change every time you look at them, these clams are the giant clam for many marine aquarists. While the beauty alone encourages an impulse buy, the conscientious aquarist is best to do his or her homework before buying […]

Freshwater Dip for Ich

Of course it is good idea to quarantine all fishes but if, during quarantine, you discover a parasitic infestation, repeated dips and hyposalinity can be the best form of treatment. A dip can cause parasites to drop off the fish, and it can be a means for administering various medications. Dips can be used both […]

Seahorses – Genus Hippocampus

Most seahorses that do not survive die as a result of poor husbandry. This can range from not attending to the animals dietary needs to actual physical trauma. A properly collected or captive-bred seahorse, on the other hand, can do quite well once acclimated to the aquarist’s tank if provided appropriate husbandry.      The seahorse […]

Did You Know?

Most people mistake African Cichlids for being only carnivorous, when in fact they are omnivorous. Just like humans, Cichlids need meat and vegetable matter in their diet. Most Cichlid foods, such as pellets or flakes, contain both meat and a type of algae such as spirulina. Plecos are well known algae eaters, they also love […]


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