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Freshwater Dip for Ich

Of course it is good idea to quarantine all fishes but if, during quarantine, you discover a parasitic infestation, repeated dips and hyposalinity can be the best form of treatment. A dip can cause parasites to drop off the fish, and it can be a means for administering various medications. Dips can be used both therapeutically and as a preventative measure.

A clean, small bucket works fine for a dipping container. In most cases you will begin with water from the tank into which the fish will be placed after the dip. Be sure that the temperature is about the same in both the dip and the tank from which the fish is coming. It is essential to watch the fish throughout the entire dipping process. If the fish begins to thrash or show signs of extreme distress, remove it from the dip at once.
In my opionion, the best dipping agents for the home aquarist dealing with a crypto outbreak in marine fishes are freshwater and Methylene Blue. Dipping an infested or infected fish in a freshwater and Methylene Blue dip is highly effective when it comes to removing external parasites and even dealing with infectious diseases.

Here’s what to do: 1) Place the infested fish in a hyposaline quarantine tank for a minimum of 28 days. 2) Perform repeated dips in freshwater (same pH and temperature as fish’s water) dosed with Methylene Blue (follow instructions on bottle for dosing amounts). 3) Regularly change the quarantine tank’s water during the treatment period.

The dip should last no longer than five minutes and should be shortened if the fish shows obvious distress.


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